Land Rover once said: “One Life. Live it.”
I experienced something today for the first time by enjoying being a spectator at a 4×4 challenge, held at Killarney in Shongweni. Actually, because I am planning on purchasing a 4×4, one that was going to take part at the event I had to witness just how well it would do. Unfortunately, due to the track being too “soft” it ended up not competing.
Just as well as most regrettably damaged their vehicles and had wished they’d never taken them out. But it made for great viewing so thank you to those who didn’t chicken out!
Of course I was rooting for the underdogs: “Lucky N” and luminous “e-car”. Unfortunately, my rooting did not help.
“Ooh!” “Ahh!” “Ouch!” And many vulgarities were heard whenever the Amarok got stuck; after the fourth time, in the same spot, despite trying different ways to attack the ditch coated in mud, only vulgarities could be heard. The vehicle should be labelled “AmarokDisaster” instead of “AmarokStar” – as highlighted in one of the images below.
We only hung around for the first heat, which was enough to make me want to experience the ride first hand – perhaps not as extreme the first day I get mine…
Oh and the scenery!
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