Desire experiencing people whom love life and particularly Jerusalem? Well then, a visit to Machane Yehuda Market is a must. Known as one of Jerusalem’s word-famous icons, the market epitomises the contemporary and the future of Jerusalem.
Two hours spent absorbing the frenetic atmosphere, watching the traders interacting with the crowds, providing tasters of their wares. The colours and aromas of the variety of foods pleasantly assaulted the senses. Resistance was futile when it came to the buffet of halva (pronounced with that same guttural ‘g’ as in hummus) and I had to have a slice of the chilli halva that delightfully burned while releasing its rich sweetness.
At one of the entrances to Machane Yehuda Market we enjoyed respite at a coffee shop while I photographed the energy. An hour or so before sunset on the Friday (the start of the Sabbath) every thing came to a halt and people scattered in all directions, to reach their final destinations before the sun sets.
The Sabbath (Shabbat)
Observed from just before sunset on Friday to just after dark on Saturday, the Sabbath is extremely holy. Both the religious and non-religious observe the Sabbath by adhering to the Laws of Sabbath Observance, and dedicate themselves to contemplation and meaningful interaction with family and friends.
It is forbidden to work
It is forbidden to travel in vehicles
It is forbidden to switch electricity on and off
It is forbidden to cook food
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